Tuesday, 14 May 2019

SoWeSign, the solution of modernization governmental infrastructures need

The main objective of the American Job Centers (AJCs) and the consulting companies specialized in the re-employment is to provide diverse and various supports and solutions to the job seekers. However, the terms of subscription to some services are constrained by legal obligations like the attendance follow-up by paper.

Moreover, a recent study ordered by the United States Department of Labor highlights the will and wish of the users of the AJCs to have simplify administrative procedures for registration or for the follow-up of their case. Their recommendations mention they expect a more digitized service to drive their process easier while securing their personal details contacts.

The fact AJCs are funded by different partners involves some legal diverse and various obligations. The sending of report certifying the presence of the participants to the services or workshops freely available is one of the mandatory conditions which must respect the AJCs.
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SoWeSign offers an appropriate solution adapted to the expectations of the AJCs and also to these of the job seekers. Indeed, the managing digital signaturesoftware allies convenience and rapidity that are expected by the job seekers as well as security with the positioning of trusted third party of SoWeSign. The interface allows flexible and easy management by the administrative staff members added to the production of probative value documents which SoWeSign stores because of his quality of trusted third party in order to respect legal requirements.

The solution offers the opportunity to the job seekers to use a meeting sign in app. The solution enables them to prove their presence through an iPad sign in sheet or others devices, during each participation to the workshop. Digital attendance allows the administrative staff to check in real time the missing and present person attending to the workshop. When the controlling organisms want to inspect the electronic sign in sheet for any job seeker, even many year later, they would be able to do it because the electronic sign in sheet are available at any time and easily consultable by the authorized person.

SoWeSign is a solution designed for the AJCs and consulting company whose are depending on financial partners. Undeniably the solution will ensure an efficient management of the attendance from diverse numeric devices and an optimization of the governmental services inside the American Job Centres Network.

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