SoWeSign is a French startup specialized in online sign-in sheet. SoWeSign is one of the main actor on the French market and provide training organizations through a digital signature solution on digital devices. The aim is to establish presence sheet completely dematerialized.
How is operating the After-school App?
A code enables the user to identify himself in a secure way on the app. These identification codes are only accessible from the administrators or teachers in charge of supervising the dismissal time of the children.
Once the app has been launched, the list of pupils appears in the alphabetic order for each signature’s session. The pupils’ names, who have already signed, are located at the bottom of the list.
The schedule can be imported on the SoWeSign’s manager through Excel files what makes the mass modification easier. After the Excel file has been imported, SoWeSign verifies the validity of the data in background. Then an email is sent to the user to confirm him the document’s importation was successful.

How are collected the signatures?
During each signature’s session, at the arrival and at the departure of the school, a list of name is available.
When a child is selected on the list, the different names of his tutors, previously authorized to pick up the child, appear on the screen. After being selected on the proposed list of name, the person can sign on the dedicated device.
Once the signature has been validated, this one could not be modified what ensures a secured and authentic electronic attendance sheet.
If the child is not accompanied by a tutor, and he gets the authorization then he can sign the online attendance himself. An indication will be reported on the final recapitulating attendance sheet to mention the particularity of the situation.
How are signatures managed?
At the end of the day, a PDF attendance sheet per signature’s session is sent by email to the administration department. The summary includes all the details concerning each child entered in the database. The pupils without signature are put at the end of the page.
Each Sunday in the evening, an email is sent by the SoWeSign app to the administration department including a ZIP archive file with all the electronic sign in sheet for each child. These archives are also available online on the manager.
The documents, files and presence sheets generated by SoWeSign are all freely accessible online on the manager by the administrators.
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